Setupapi.lib >
version 6 and above */ . Peace! -=- JamesPlease rate this message - let me know if I helped or not! If you think it costs a lot to do it right, just wait until you find out how much it costs to do it wrong!Remember that Professional Driver on Closed Course does not mean your Dumb Ass on a Public Road!See DeleteFXPFiles Sign InViewThreadPermalink . Sign InViewThreadPermalink . but it's up to you to use Visual Studio if you feel better with it personnaly, I only code C++/MFC, and yes, i code within VS. In debug mode everything is fine. Before that there was the C only environment.
I tried the IA64 folder. Developer Network Developer Network Developer :CreateViewProfileText: Sign in MSDN subscriptions Get tools Technologies App Development Cloud Web Data Gaming Internet of Things Downloads Visual Studio MSDN subscription access SDKs Trial software Free downloads Office resources SharePoint Server 2013 resources SQL Server 2014 Express resources Windows Server 2012 resources Programs MSDN subscriptions Overview Benefits Administrators Students Microsoft Imagine Microsoft Student Partners Architects Overview Case studies Blueprints Blog Forums ISV Startups TechRewards Events Community Magazine Forums Blogs Tech Advisors Channel 9 Documentation APIs and reference Dev centers Samples Were sorry. Twine18-Jun-08 7:38 James R. Re: How to get string in Combobox after OnSelchange sashoalm18-Jun-08 4:55 sashoalm18-Jun-08 4:55 . and i cannot set any breakpoints! Can someone help me here to solve this, are there any settings to set?! Thanks for any help! termal Sign InViewThreadPermalink . Re: Ultimate Toolbox's drawing style sawerr18-Jun-08 3:44 sawerr18-Jun-08 3:44 . James R. My app compiles perfectly (so I dont think thats the problem), but when linking with the command: gcc -o test.exe test.o testrc.o -mwindows *OR* gcc -o test.exe -Xlinker libsetupapi.a test.o testrc.o -mwindows I get the following message: test.o.(.text+0x2ef):test.c: undefined reference to impSetupDiGetClassDevsExA28' I googled regarding this issue, but found a scarce little bit of information that was hardly appropriate. I left a message at the MinGW sourceforge forum, and someone there gave me the answer: gcc -o test.exe test.c testrc.c -lsetupapi -mwindows Yep, thats right, the -l flag should have been entered AFTER the input files, lol.
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